Creating videos to convey an authentic, honest message

I am drowning in a sea of information overload. But it’s hard to stop myself from listening to another infomercial about how product “A” can help erase wrinkles or how product “B” can help me feel like a 20-year-old. After listening for a few minutes, I realize I’ve been suckered yet again.

The studies that are used to bolster credibility on these infomercials are often done by scientists who were paid by the company marketing the product. In the end, I decide not to waste any more time or money. I’d rather listen to my friends talk about the products they have discovered to help they feel more youthful and energetic.

Consumer reports indicate that people are attracted more frequently toward ideas that support their preconceived notions of health and nutrition. The Dairy Council of California Spring 2017 report on Health Trends says that “consumers are turning to anecdotes and emotions rather than credible science for nutrition information. Good stories compel change, which means that powerful blogs are very believable, and personal stories of authentic experiences often trump science, statistics and analyses. Technology has made it easier for people to validate their actions through others who share their values and beliefs.”

Instead of weighing down your marketing copy with scientific studies, try something different.

  1. Interview customers for compelling product endorsements and include in a blog post.
  2. Create YouTube videos of customers talking about product benefits they have received.
  3. Do a weekly podcast in which someone from your marketing team interviews a guest or two about their reaction to taking a nutritional supplement.

Questions to ask

  • What was your lifestyle before you took “product XYZ”?
  • Why did you decide to take it?
  • What difference has it made?
  • How do you feel now in contrast to how you felt before?
  • What would you say to your best friend about “product XYZ”?

Recommended tools and sites for making videos

  • Biteable
  • Filmoro Video Editor
  • Animoto
  • Realplayer
  • 30 Second Animated Whiteboard Videos

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